
우리는 한국 GAAP, K-IFRS, US GAAP와 IFRS에 부합되도록 폭 넓은 회계감사 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리의 접근법은 철저하고 효율적이며, 비용 효율이 높습니다. 또한, 최고 수준의 기준에 맞추어 타협 없는 접근 방식으로 수행하고 있습니다. 우리는 법정 감사 및 임의 감사 시, 역사적 재무제표에 대한 감사인으로서 활동 합니다.
  • 회계감사
  • 회계 기준 관련 자문 서비스 (IFRS, K-IFRS, K-GAAP, US-GAAP, German GAAP)
  • 내부통제 자문 서비스 (SOX TEST포함)
  • 입증(Attestation) 서비스
  • 부정부패 조사 및 부정위험관리

Management of internal control

Because of our prominent market presence and our involvement within international accounting standard setting bodies, we have insights in and are aware of any changes in accounting regulations at a very early start.

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Business advisory services

Do you want to improve your business efficiency and performance? Our teams at Mazars can help you with business process improvement.

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Financial services

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Forensic services

Are you involved in a dispute or thinking about taking legal action? Or are you concerned about fraud in your business? If so, you will need a team that you can trust.

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Management and IT services

Mazars can support you with the day-to-day running of your organisational projects.
We will optimise your business processes and financial management systems. We can help you from the planning stage through to implementation. We can deal with administration, sales, purchasing, HR or information systems. We can also help you make important decisions by analysing your systems and management control.

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