Burgos Juárez Carlos Transfer Pricing Partner

Carlos Burgos

Expertise on the following sectors: Consumer products, manufacture, automotive, pharmaceutical, logistic services.

Professional Experience

12 years’ experience managing Transfer Pricing projects for more than 500 clients. He is the co-author of articles in specialized tax and economic publications.

Lecturer in international forums, he has recently part of the Praxity International Tax Conference, at Chicago, the Latin American and Caribbean Tax Conference, at Puerto Rico, and the Third International Tax Congress of the Dominican Republic Tax Association.


Masters in Economic and Financial Engineering by La Salle University

Public Accountant Degree by Commercial and Banking School (Escuela Bancaria y Comercial/ EBC)

Economy Degree by National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/UNAM)

Memberships and Registers

Certified as a Transfer Pricing expert by the Federacion Nacional de Economistas (National Federation of Economists)



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